Open Positions
We are looking for talented and motivated scientists to join our group and give continuity to many exciting projects.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduates with a strong background in engineering, physics and/or programming (particularly Matlab) are welcome to contact me (Matthieu Louis) about potential research opportunities.
Graduate Students
Our lab is currently looking for graduate students through the Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB), the Biomolecular Science and Engineering (BMSE), and Dynamical Neuroscience (DYNS) programs ( If you share our research interests, join our team and dive into cutting-edge systems neuroscience. Over the years, our lab has allowed many biology graduate students to gain expertise in computational data analysis and modeling. It has also initiated several physicist to the fascinating universe of behavioral neuroscience.

Postdoctoral Fellows
The Louis lab (UCSB) is seeking to recruit a highly-motivated post-doctoral researchers to study the neural computations that underlie perceptual decision making. Using innate chemotaxis of the Drosophila larva as a model system, we have recently reconstructed a complete sensorimotor pathway controlling the onset of reorientation maneuvers. Building on this work, the research project aims to unravel the mechanisms enabling the conversion of noisy dynamic olfactory signals into robust navigational decisions.
The candidates must have (i) a PhD in Biology, Biophysics or Bioengineering; (ii) a genuine interest to work on questions at the interface between experimental and computational neuroscience. Prior exposure to Drosophila neurobiology, electrophysiology or functional imaging is preferred but not essential.
The position is currently open and will be funded through a NIH-Brain Initiative grant for 4 years. To apply, please send your motivation letter, CV, list of publications and the names & email addresses of 2-3 referees to